U Wave
U wave
  is a low amplitude wave following the T wave. The amplitude (height) of the U wave is generally < 11% of that of the QRS complex.
  is most prominent in leads C2 and C3 (V2 and V3).
  is more prominent during bradycardia. Bradycardia may also increase the amplitude of U wave.
  amplitude increases during hypokalemia.
  amplitude may increase during coronary ischemia.
  amplitude may be increased by Digoxin, cathecholamines or calcium.
  may become negative in leads C2 to C5 (V2 to V5) during acute myocardial ischemia or systemic arterial hypertension.
  may fuse with T wave in the presence of increased sympathetic tone, long QT syndrome or after the infusion of epinephrine or isoproterenol.
  Click here for double U waves.
  Circulation 2009;119;e241-e250.
ECG 1. U waves are best seen in leads C2 and C3 during bradycardia.
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ECG 2. U waves are seen in leads C2 and C3.
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ECG 3. The above ECG belongs to a patient with 3-vessel disease (extensive coronary artery disease). The U wave
in lead C3
comes immediately after the T wave and makes a second peak.
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ECG 4. The above ECG is from an old woman with hypertension, severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction and atrial fibrillation.
She is under Digoxin therapy. Sagging type ST segment depression and
prominent U waves are seen.
The ventricular rate is decreased due to Digoxin use. Left bundle branch block is also seen.
Prominent U waves may be seen as a sign of Digoxin effect and do not necessarily denote Digoxin intoxication.
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ECG 5. The above ECG is from an old man under Digoxin therapy.
He had previously undergone stent implantation of LAD and Cx coronary arteries.
Sagging type ST segment depression and prominent U waves are seen.
The rhythm is atrial fibrillation.
Click here for a more detailed ECG
ECG 6. The above ECG belongs to a 62 years-old man who had undergone coronary artery bypass graft operation 3 months ago.
He is under Amiodarone therapy. Prominent U waves are seen.
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