ECG 1a. The ECG above belongs to a 57 years-old woman with complete atrioventricular canal defect (AVCD). She has marked
right ventricular hypertrophy (RVEDD: 49 mm, RV free wall: 15 mm) with severe pulmonary hypertension
(about 150- 160 mmHg). P waves with different morphologies show wandering atrial pacemaker.
The ECG is recorded at a paper speed of 50mm/sec.

Dr. Peter Kukla has donated the above ECG to our website.

Click here for a more detailed ECG

ECG 1b. The same patient's ECG, one minute later. P waves with different morphologies persist (wandering atrial pacemaker).
The ECG is recorded at a paper speed of 50mm/sec.

Dr. Peter Kukla has donated the above ECG to our website.

Click here for a more detailed ECG

ECG 2. The ECG above belongs to a 22 months old child who had undergone cardiac operation for ToF and complete
atrioventricular canal defect (AVCD). His recent echocardiography showed mitral insufficiency of 2nd-3rd degree,
tricuspid insufficiency of 1st degree, and no residual VSD.

Pediatric cardiologist Dr. Mahmut Gokdemir has donated this ECG to our website.

Click here for a more detailed ECG

ECG 3. The ECG above belongs to a 4 years-old boy who had been operated for AtrioVentricular Canal Defect (AVCD/AVSD).
He had also undergone prosthetic mitral valve implantation.
His ECHOcardiogram showed a dilated left ventricle.
This ECG shows right bundle branch in association with left ventricular hypertrophy.

Pediatric cardiologist Dr. Mahmut Gokdemir has donated this ECG to our website.

Click here for a more detailed ECG