Diagnostic criteria

  PR interval is fixed.

Some P waves are not folllowed by a QRS complex.

  QRS complexes are generally wide (>120ms).

  The block is generally at the level of the bundle branches.

  Click here to go to 2:1 AV block.

ECG 1. Mobitz Type 2 second degree AV block. This is a 2:1 block and the presence of
wide QRS complex supports the
diagnosis of Mobitz type 2 block. Of every 2
P wave s, only 1 is conducted to the ventricles.

Dr. Peter Kukla has donated this ECG to our website.

Click here for a more detailed ECG

ECG 2. Mobitz Type 2 second degree AV block.
Some P waves are not conducted to the ventricles.

Dr. Andrew Krahn has donated this ECG to our website.

Click here for a more detailed ECG